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The Data

Here is the original spreadsheet I created by inputting data found on this web page provided by the New York Historical Society Museum & Library for the 100th anniversary of the 1913 Armory Show. While this list is useful, it's hard to search and I sought to present the data in a more easily accessible format. I've input the information as listed on that webpage into a spreadsheet as accurately as possible. Note that The New York Historical Society gathered their information from the original 1913 exhibition catalogue as well as "annotated catalogues and documentation from the records of Walt Kuhn, Elmer MacRae, and Walter Pach" (Armory Show 1913 Complete List). 


I originally broke down the names of the artists into prefix, first, middle, and last, but found that it was more useful when creating visualizations to have the full name as one field. Multiple entries in one field are separated by a semicolon. Multiple titles or dates could occur if the artwork was known by more than one name, the title was translated, or the years of creation were later disputed.



The spreadsheet can be viewed below, or click the icons to download:

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